Wednesday, March 5, 2008


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Discover Simple Home Organization Strategies and How to DeClutter Your Home...
From The Desk Of K. "Abe" AbrahamDiscoverOrganization.comDate:
March 5, 2008 February 12, 2008
Dear Friend:
It's a proven fact.
Clutter and disorganization has become a serious problem for most people today. Some label it "chronic disorganization" and others simpy call it being a packrat.
But the thing's not your fault.
See, our parents never had to deal with everything we have today. And most people own too much stuff...and have too little time to deal with it.
We get thousands of pieces of mail...bills and paper piling up while we sleep. We keep clothes we have trouble saying goodbye to...and boxes of "stuff" we got as gifts.
All of these things creating what is commonly known as clutter.
The thing is, it doesn't matter what size house, condo, or apartment you have. You might never feel like you have enough room to store everything you own.
Well, when you sign-up today for our free e-letter you'll also receive a free 5 part mini-course and you'll find out exactly what it takes to start living a more organized, clutter free life. sign-up free today
What does that mean for you?
Less stress.
Less chaos.
More time.
Less Stuff.
More space.
It's not that hard once you know how to do it
Today...things are different.
Chaos might be a way of life for some but, frankly, not having order or "a plan" can get outright depressing and can certainly make life harder than it needs to be.
But if you think you can't be more organized...then I'm here to tell you this:
You Are Wrong.
As a member of the National Association of Professional Organizers and owner of know for a fact being organized isn't something you need to have in your blood.
Does it help?
Sure...but it can't hold you back from being organized. Not unless you want to use it as your excuse.
Trust's a learned skill.
I wasn't born organized...and it didn't stop me.
I'm living proof...and I can show you thousands of people I've helped get over the hump and start enjoying a more organized, peaceful, clutter-free life.
And we're about to show you exactly how to do it...
Learn simple, step-by-step home organization strategies...
To prove to you getting organized is easier than you realize, and that clutter doesn't have to rule your home...
We've put together a wonderful, plain-spoken email mini-course... and it's absolutely free.
Here's some of what I'll share with you...
How to remove the clutter so you have more open space to enjoy your home;
How to decide what to get rid of (and what to keep);
How to quickly create order and remove chaos from your home;
How to find a place for everything so you're not wasting valuable space.
How to increase your storage capacity and always know where things are;
How to stay organized for the long haul;
Best way to create a less hectic atmosphere in a home you can enjoy;
How to find more time to do things you enjoy;
How to organize important personal documents;
How to get motivated to tackle even the biggest mess.
Much, much more...all sent right to your inbox for no cost at all.
Get started today and receive the first part of your Mini-Course within the next five minutes...
Go ahead and sign-up below for our FREE mini-course and let us show you the steps towards having a clutter-free, well-organized home you can be proud of.
You'll get each lesson every two days for three weeks, plus our free newsletter, "The e-letter."
So ask yourself...
"Am I ready to get organized?"
Sign up now. It's free.

Enter Your Name and e-mail Address to Register for Your FREE Organizing Course
Fill out the form below to receive tips, advice and insider secrets to organize your home and clear clutter...for good!
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To being organized!
K. "Abe" AbrahamPro Organizer

Kurien "Abe" Abraham is the owner of and helps thousands of people create better, more organized lives without stress and chaos.

Sign-up below to receive a Free 5-part mini-course sent to your email every other day. Discover the simple steps you can take right away to clear clutter and get organized to keep stress and chaos out of your home...

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Your name and email will not be shared with a 3rd party.
Discover Simple Step-by-Step Strategies to Remove Clutter and Cut Stress.To order log in......
"You've given me inspiration to start a clutter free life."
Madeleine Andersson
I was able to get rid of a lot of things that I hadn't touched or used in 8 years!"
Thank you,Donna Kolton
I wanted to write and thank you for your organization tips, which are helping me, slowly but surely. You are the best.
Kathy Velas

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